Saturday, 7 May 2016

How to invoke seter &geter Method of a java bean Using Java Reflection..!!


import java.beans.IntrospectionException;
import java.beans.PropertyDescriptor;
import java.lang.reflect.InvocationTargetException;

public class InvokeSetterGetter {

   public static void main(String[] args) {
    /* Create object of Actor. */
    Actor objActor = new Actor();

    InvokeSetterGetter objInvokeSetterGetter = 
                  new InvokeSetterGetter();
    /* Call invokeSetter method */
 objInvokeSetterGetter.invokeSetter(objActor, "Name", "Benedict Cumberbatch");
    /* Call invokeGetter method */
 objInvokeSetterGetter.invokeGetter(objActor, "Name");
 private void invokeSetter(Object obj,
                  String variableName,
                 Object variableValue){
   /* variableValue is Object because value can 
      be an Object, Integer, String, etc... */
      try {
   * Get object of PropertyDescriptor
    using variable name and class
    * Note: To use PropertyDescriptor on any 
   field/variable, the field must have both `Setter` and `Getter` method.
 PropertyDescriptor objPropertyDescriptor =
 new PropertyDescriptor(variableName,
    /* Set field/variable value 
           using getWriteMethod() */
catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException
 | InvocationTargetException | IntrospectionException e) {
        /* Java 8: Multiple exception
 in one catch. Use Different catch block for lower version. */

   private void invokeGetter(Object obj, String variableName){
      try {
         * Get object of PropertyDescriptor
         using variable name and class
         * Note: To use PropertyDescriptor
        on any field/variable,
        the field must have both `Setter` and `Getter` method.
  PropertyDescriptor objPropertyDescriptor =
new PropertyDescriptor(variableName, obj.getClass());
 * Get field/variable value using getReadMethod()
 * variableValue is Object
  because value can be an Object, Integer, String, etc...
Object variableValue=objPropertyDescriptor.getReadMethod().invoke(obj);
/* Print value of variable */
 } catch (IllegalAccessException | IllegalArgumentException
 | InvocationTargetException | IntrospectionException e) {
  /* Java 8: Multiple exception in
 one catch. Use Different catch block for lower version. */

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